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    Know the


    Manav Kapur, CEO, Steelbird International

    Manav Kapur took the onus upon himself to fill a big gap in the Filters industry by penning the book. Steelbird has been in manufacturing of filters since 1964.

    An Introduction to Automotive Filters

    With his advanced understanding of the product and his direct exposure to its design, manufacturing, quality, range and marketability, Manav Kapur has created a single point reference for everything related to

    automotive filters with the book, released in the end of 2018 to much deserved acclaim and widespread positive reviews within and outside the industry.


    Know the


    Manav Kapur, CEO, Steelbird International

    Manav Kapur took the onus upon himself to fill a big gap in the Filters industry by penning the book

    An Introduction to Automotive Filters

    With his advanced understanding of the product and his direct exposure to its design, manufacturing, quality, range and marketability, Manav Kapur has created a single point reference for everything related to automotive filters with the book, released in the end of 2018 to much deserved acclaim and widespread positive reviews within and outside the industry..


    Book Testimonials

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    Grab a coffee meeting opportunity with the author and get his autographed copy of ‘An Introduction to Automotive Filters’

    For any info connect with us at

    [email protected]